Meet the great men and women servants of God who have selflessly allowed themselves to be used of the Lord in this ministry.

Prophet Nii Ankrah Asiedu
Founder & President
Prophet Nii Ankrah Asiedu is a down to earth man who is ever ready to accommodate anyone irrespective of whatever ;gender, social class, ethnicity,etc
+233 27 610 1196

Someone's Name
Title& Picture
Prophet Nii Ankrah Asiedu is a down to earth man who is ever ready to accommodate anyone irrespective of whatever ;gender, social class, ethnicity,etc
+233 27 610 1196

Someone's Name
Title & Picture
Prophet Nii Ankrah Asiedu is a down to earth man who is ever ready to accommodate anyone irrespective of whatever ;gender, social class, ethnicity,etc
+233 27 610 1196